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Writing November Abbreviations by Hand
Abbreviations are commonly used in the English language and can make writing faster and more efficient. In November, there are several common abbreviations that can be useful to know and write by hand. Here are a few tips on how to write them accurately:
Days of the week
When writing the days of the week, there are a few different options for abbreviations. The most commonly used abbreviations are:
- Mon for Monday
- Tue for Tuesday
- Wed for Wednesday
- Thu or Thur for Thursday
- Fri for Friday
- Sat for Saturday
- Sun for Sunday
It is important to note that the first two letters are always used for the abbreviations, except for Thursday where either \"Thu\" or \"Thur\" can be used.
The abbreviations for months are fairly straightforward. They are:
- Jan for January
- Feb for February
- Mar for March
- Apr for April
- May for May
- Jun for June
- Jul for July
- Aug for August
- Sep for September
- Oct for October
- Nov for November
- Dec for December
When writing the abbreviations for months, it is important to capitalize the first letter and not include a period at the end.
Ordinals refer to the position of a number in a series (e.g. first, second, third). When writing ordinals, they are often abbreviated by using superscript letters. For example:
- 1st becomes 1st
- 2nd becomes 2nd
- 3rd becomes 3rd
- 4th becomes 4th
- 5th becomes 5th
- 6th becomes 6th
- 7th becomes 7th
- 8th becomes 8th
- 9th becomes 9th
- 10th becomes 10th
When writing these abbreviations, it is important to write the numeral first and the superscript letters above and to the right of the number.
In conclusion, abbreviations can be a helpful tool in making writing faster and more efficient. By knowing the common abbreviations for days of the week, months, and ordinals, you can confidently write them by hand and save time in the process.
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